Move, with us
We make it easier, safer and faster for agro-commodities wholesalers in Africa to connect with haulage trucks/drivers and move their goods

Since 2022, we’ve helped companies across several business verticals to improve their logistics operations while collaborating with industry partners

What is TruckIt?
TruckIt simplifies agro-commodities transportation in Africa by making it easier for wholesalers to connect to freight operators, and track the step by step progress of their shipment.

Find as much as 3x more clients monthly
We will make it easier and more accessible for you to connect to wholesalers that need your services. Register with us and let us do the heavy lifting to find customers.
Reduce delivery & shipment time by up to 70%
Our promise to wholesalers it to make it easier, faster, and safer for you to connect to freight operators and move your agric produce. Our trucks cut your delivery times by more than 50%

Let us move your goods
Near Real-Time Shipment Tracking
Track your order directly from your dashboard and see the status of your Shipments as soon as they reach our stations. We update your shipment with signals from the driver and communicate with you every step of the way.
100% Shipping Time Assurance
When we promise a time, we deliver. Our driver policies are fair and ensure that all our drivers adhere to our delivery timeframes, by incentivizing quick delivery and good customer relations as a core part of the earning ability.
Dedicated Success Manager
All orders are monitored by our team who ensure communication between you and your paired driver. Our Success Managers ensure your Shipments are picked up on time and ensure delivery is timely, hitch-free and smooth
Send a shipment in under 30 minutes!
Ready to level up your deliveries?
Start sending shipments in less than 30 minutes!

“TruckIt is a trusted partner for seamless bulk shipments around Nigeria. Working with them has been delightful, from using the platform to sending my goods - everything worked hitch-free”

Adekunle Olukoya
Head of Marketing @ Minty